Project Overview

MindtheCAP > Project Overview

Being in line with the European Green Deal and the GreenComp, MindtheCAP project aims to foster long-term and large-scale behavioural change by bringing together young citizens, local communities, NGOs, and other European stakeholders, to involv them in a process of knowledge co-creation, awareness-raising, and context-based activism around Climate Change & Sustainable Development.

MindtheCAP will:

Set-up and operate a network of living labs for CC&SD education.

Co-create, together with target groups and communities, a multidisciplinary competence framework, key competences, and innovative educational approaches, including distant learning.

Test and demonstrate the framework in pilot educational interventions.

Activate behavioural change through knowledge mobilization.

Improve knowledge, skill, and attitudes around CC&SD.

Cluster and cooperate with the already existing and up-coming initiatives focusing on CC&SD.

Deliver exploitable educational programmes and training material.